Morgan Scola
Morgan is beyond excited for her second summer with Sail Caribbean! Originally from Potomac,
Maryland, she’s found a new home studying marine biology at the University of Miami. She loves
everything to do with marine animals, ecosystems, and weather, and can’t wait to share with her
crew. During the school year, she is president of the scuba club, treasurer the women’s club ice
hockey team, and a paid research assistant at the SUSTAIN wind-wave-storm simulator lab, a peer
counselor for the Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science school,. In her free time, she loves to
take her dog Mahi to the beach, paddle board, hike, dive, and crochet! Morgan first learned to
sail small boats in the Rehoboth Bay in Delaware and has been teaching at that same camp for the
past few summers. Morgan’s first large boat sailing experience was right in the BVIs- she can’t
wait to be back!