Tango Day 1!

Today, the Tango crew arrived! There are ten students, and three staff living aboard the 44′ catamaran, Mazurka. Jake was the first to arrive and had time to grab a smoothie after unpacking. Everyone else arrived with enough time to unpack before a tasty dinner of chicken, rice, and slaw. After a quick dinner clean, we met with the Foxtrot and Sierra Fleet for a “Mike Talk”. Founder Mike Liese went over the rules as everyone listened with rapt attention.
At our first boat meeting, we learned that Missy is a certified diver already. Once our meeting was finished, we powered down. Our mate, Kate, had to remind Max an Justin to go to sleep, but with everyone on deck, we got to seep pretty quickly.
Today our crew did a great job of unpacking all our stuff!
We need to work on going to sleep.
Miracle Moment: Everyone was moved in last night!