Foxtrot 1 & Sierra 1 Day 13: 2 Green Turtles, A Spotted Eagle Ray & Many, Many Conchs!

July 7, 2016
Today, we left VGYH and sailed to Dead Man’s off Peter Island. The Advanced Open Water and Fun divers went out in the morning so everyone who wasn’t diving sailed together on Spyglass. It was a nice, long sail, about 2 hours, where everyone got to participate in tacking maneuvers. We did a quick refresher lesson about anchoring underway before anchoring at Dead Man’s. Anchoring went silky smooth and everyone demonstrated the skills they’ve developed so far impeccably.
For lunch, we had a pizza bagel feast, which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. Lunch was followed by divers returning and a few hours of relaxing which entailed people playing in the water together, relaxing in the sun, many games of cards, and for some, a little cat nap. After relaxing, everyone turtled for 2 hours! In addition to catching and successfully tagging 2 green turtles, we saw an amazing spotted eagle ray and many, many conchs in the seagrass beds. The day finished off with dinner, and a boat meeting where we all got know each other even a little better than before!