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Follow Our Journey! Lima – Days 8-10

By Nora E July 23, 2024

Written by Chase M., Student on Polygala

Since the last update, it has been sunny with blue skies… except for a few squalls here and there. We spent the past two nights at Little Harbor on Peter Island where we med-anchored and watched the beautiful sunsets. The ASA students brought the Colgates to Great Harbor while the Dive Master students and Beck helped Mega students on Tonga (Catamaran). Their anchor broke, so the Dive Masters and Beck had to lift it and set it in a suitable location.

“My favorite part of the day was swimming in the clear waters of Little Harbor and I had a great time cleaning the decks with Reagan!”


The next day, the ASA students did more sailing on the Colgates and studied sailing theory. The divers did their first skill circuit with the dive instructors. Afterward, Chase, Alli, and Reagan went wakeboarding and water skiing and caught some good waves! To end the day, Frankie lifeguarded while everyone did a sunset swim. Today, we went snorkeling and scuba diving at the Indians just off of Norman Island, and then we sailed to Scrub. It was a very exciting sail!

The greatest challenge during the program was staying entertained during the quarantine period. Not being able to leave your boat and not having a phone, which was a crutch against boredom, it was difficult at first to stay entertained.