Follow Our Journey! Earlies – Day 9

Written by Harry T., Captain
Yesterday we started our day out bright and early to kick off our program’s ‘Challenge Day’! Challenge Day is one of the most exciting days on the program, this is where the kids take over and sail the boat with no input from staff.
The day began with a quick navigation briefing aboard the staff boat to discuss the travels for the day. Each boat sent their Skipper, Mate, and Navigators of the day to partake and learn about where they were going to sail to, and how they were going to get there.
Today in particular we were going from the North Sound on Virgin Gorda to Anegada. About a 3-4 hour sail. Shortly after the meeting we dropped the ball at The Bitter End Yacht Club and headed to Anegada.
After a smooth three-hour sail, the fleet arrived at Anegada, concluding our challenge day. We then went ashore to start our land activities. Some went on trucks over to The Loblolly Beach for a marine biology lesson followed by a beach clean up, while others went on a paddle board to tour some mangroves on the island.
Around 5 o’clock the fleet went back to our boats and we concluded our day with exquisitely made Spaghetti Carbonara and a quick boating meeting. The crew is ready to rest up and prepare for our sail tomorrow (06/19) to Scrub Island!