Follow Our Journey: Bravo, Charlie, Foxtrot & Sierra – Day 14

Written by Bennett S. student on Sonsbeak
Hey everyone! My name is Bennett, and this is my first year at Sail Caribbean. On July 8th, I got to do a media takeover and use our social media coordinator Zoe’s camera to give everyone a glimpse of a day at camp from my point of view. We woke up bright and early at 7:30 am in a mooring field at The Bight. We had a breakfast buffet, and divers getting any specialties, such as shark conservation, and FUN divers, those who are just diving for fun and not to obtain another certification, got picked up by the boats. While divers were being shuttled to the two dive boats, others swam until it was time to head to shore at 10 am. As the dive boats pulled away, we saw a beautiful rainbow that went from one side of the mooring field to the other. Those not diving today, myself included, went on a hike to the other side of the island, where we did a beach clean.
We found trash ranging from small bottles to car bumpers and refrigerator doors! It was crazy, but we managed to get it all off the beach and into a dumpster.
We hiked back towards the docks just as the dive boats were returning. I got some good pictures of the divers getting off the dive boats with big smiles and stories to share about what they saw. Then we had deli meat sandwiches for lunch and began pre-departure checks for our sail to Little Harbor on Jost Van Dyke Island.
We then raised our sails and headed towards the cut, which is a channel between islands on the way to our destination. When we got close to the cut we lowered our sails to motor through it because we could see a storm moving towards us over the island. It did downpour on us, which was a little scary but also so much fun! We continued on to Little Harbor, where we picked up a mooring ball. A few friends and I went swimming to other boats to talk with friends and snack on food together while everyone was getting ready for the dinner party. We then took ocean showers (you were right Mom) and drove our dingy to shore to start the party and look through the shops at Sidney’s.
We ate a dinner buffet of rice, barbecue chicken, pasta salad, and fresh-cut fruit. Camper Reagen C. and Captain Mady started the party on the dance floor. I eventually got the whole top of my head braided by locals at one of the little shops next to the restaurant. I also randomly ran into a friend from my old camp in New Hampshire, who was at Sidney’s for dinner with his family and lives in Puerto Rico! What a small world! After partying till what felt like all night (8:30 pm) we eventually returned to our boats and powered down before bed. It was a fun and eventful day, and I can’t wait for what’s next tomorrow!