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Follow Our Journey! Bravo, Charlie, Foxtrot, & Sierra 2- Day 5

By Josephine A July 20, 2024

Written by Aivan D., mate on Le Grand Bleu

Today, Mega fleet woke up, bright and early on Cooper Island. All of the divers hopped on the dive boats, and the rest of the fleet had some swimmy fun time. The open-water divers finished their confined dives and had their first real open-water dive! Everyone came back saying that they saw so many cool fish and coral.

The rest of the fleet sailed the Colgates and Hobie cats, and did various water sports such as wakeboarding and tubing. The fleet had so much fun in the sun before a massive squall came through. Hunkering down and eating some lunch, the fleet patiently awaited for the low-pressure system to subside. 

After seeing clear skies, they put their sails up and sailed over to Soper’s Hole, our docking for the night. Over at Sopers, the students had land time where they were able to go to a grocery store, a boutique, and meet each other from other boats. 

The fleet was able to water up, unload trash, and reprovision for the upcoming leg of the trip. Mega Fleet had a dinner of bolognese and a very nice quiet night on board!!

The greatest challenge during the program was staying entertained during the quarantine period. Not being able to leave your boat and not having a phone, which was a crutch against boredom, it was difficult at first to stay entertained.