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Follow Our Journey! Bravo, Charlie, Foxtrot, & Sierra 2- Day 17

By Josephine A August 1, 2024

Written by Aivan D., mate on Le Grand Bleu

Hey there! This is Durf, a mate on Le Grand Bleu. Today Mega Fleet woke up bright and early at Cane Garden Bay. Izzie prepared a full breakfast buffet while Noah, Kaeli, and Ryan prepared themselves for a full day of diving. 

After breakfast, Mega fleet dropped the mooring ball at Cane and sailed over to Nanny Cay, a fleet favorite. Livia, up at the helm, de-moored the boat and led the sail-raising maneuver today, then Daisy, as the skipper of the day, expertly sailed the boat from the north side of Tortola to the south side and even docked the boat at the inner marina of Nanny. 

Nanny is always a fan favorite as it is a time when the fleet reprovisions, fills up on water, shops around, and takes land showers! After some shore time, the fleet returned to boats to prepare for dinner. Macoy and Kaeli cooked up some TK on Le Grand Bleu and it was delicious. 

After a quick dinner clean, the fleets had social hour where they were able to go around from boat to boat and socialize with their friends on other ships! The night ended in a boat meeting, where we discussed the plan for the following day. 

After boat meeting, we had a relaxing power down and all of Mega fleet fell asleep dreaming of the sailing and diving they were going to be doing tomorrow!

The greatest challenge during the program was staying entertained during the quarantine period. Not being able to leave your boat and not having a phone, which was a crutch against boredom, it was difficult at first to stay entertained.