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Follow Our Journey! Alpha & Tango – Day 7

By Vada H July 29, 2024

Written by Izy L., Mate on Maora

Day 7 of our program started with a “helipad hike” to enjoy the beautiful views from Norman Island. After playing a few games and checking out the cacti along the trail, we headed back to the boat to prepare for our various adventures.

Some students went to the Colgates to continue their practical exams (which they all passed, woohoo!) while the test of us raised sail and tacked through the Sir Francis Drake channel for some more sailing practice. Around 2:00, we arrived in Little Harbor, Peter Island, and practiced a new technique called “med-anchoring” where the stern of the boat is tied to a land anchor. Our crews nailed it and we all loved being able to snorkel and fish watch right off the stern of our boats.

For the rest of the afternoon, we wakeboarded, snorkeled, Colgated, and had fun splashing around in the water! At 5:30, we started the much anticipated “phone time” and students called home to talk to their families and check on their pets. To finish off the day, we had a dinner/dance party and then a night snorkel to check out the amazing bioluminescence in Little Harbor. After a full day, everyone was out of the water and straight to bed to rest up before another day of adventure!

P.S. Happy birthday Christian!

The greatest challenge during the program was staying entertained during the quarantine period. Not being able to leave your boat and not having a phone, which was a crutch against boredom, it was difficult at first to stay entertained.