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Follow Our Journey! Alpha & Tango – Day 12

By Vada H July 20, 2024

Written by Grace G., a Captain on Topaz

As requested, the crew aboard Topaz II woke up to the tune of Dancing Queen by ABBA in celebration of Natalie’s 17th birthday! Sadie and Greta prepared heaps of pancakes and bacon, while our skipper, Natalie, led us through engine checks. Today’s sail was a 15.2 nautical mile race from the Bitter End Yacht Club to Anegada, and everyone worked together to get our 4.4 Bali to a whopping 10 nm per hour! 

Once we arrived, Daniella skillfully hooked our mooring ball and Sammy hopping in to tie our secondary line. 

After a lunch of chicken quesadillas paired with Grey’s famous fresh guacamole, everyone lathered in sunscreen and headed to shore for an Anegada island truck tour. We made it to the beach, where everyone was excited to earn service hours for participating in a spirited beach clean-up competition.

Post-clean-up, it was time for some well-earned relaxation. Greta and Sadie shopped for T-shirts while Freddie, Judd, and Amaury lounged at the local restaurant soaking in the sun.

On our return ride to the boats, the adventures continued. We visited a shark nursery, where Lila caught a glimpse of a baby nurse shark. Nearby, Alana spotted a flock of wild pink flamingos!

After the last ocean showers of the program, it was time for the day’s final event: the Chili Cook-Off. A Sail Caribbean tradition, each boat showcases their unique take on chili, complete with themed decorations, costumes, and presentations. We’ll have to wait to find out who won — Trophies will be awarded tomorrow during our end-of-program closing ceremony.

The greatest challenge during the program was staying entertained during the quarantine period. Not being able to leave your boat and not having a phone, which was a crutch against boredom, it was difficult at first to stay entertained.