Early Alpha Day 14: It's Not Goodbye, It's See You Later
written by Early Alpha mate, Erika Florian
June 22, 2017
Today was everyone’s last day with Sail Caribbean! It was filled with laughter, tears, and everyone exchanging information to keep in touch. The day started of a bit earlier than expected with a heavy rain storm around 6am. Our students on Fermi enjoyed the irony of being greeted with the heavy rain storm on the first day as well as saying farewell with a rainstorm on the last day.
Everyone packed up their stuff, lugged their bags off the boat, and said their goodbyes to the staff while waiting for the taxis. All of the students learned and achieved so much on this beautiful journey, the entirety of the staff and I are going to miss this group of students so much! We hope the experiences and the memories that they created here follow them throughout their lives. And of course, we hope they all come back for more programs next summer!
Please enjoy the full photo album of the Early Alpha 2017 Adventure on our Facebook page!