Delta 1 Day 12: Overnight, Blue Water Sailing!
written by Program Director, Jen Borderud
The Delta crew made it from the North Sound of Virgin Gorda to Lagon Marigot, St. Martin in 16 hours and 8 minutes! The crew was split up into 3 night sail watches that manned the boat by themselves for 3 hours at a time. The full moon lit up the sky and sea as the students took turns at the helm, learning how to steer the boat down the face of the 8-15 ft swells. We arrived at St. Martin just before 11 am and though everyone was a bit sleepy, they were eager to spend the day ashore in St. Martin, hanging out at cafes and checking out the shops. Just about everyone partook in a pastry at Sarafina’s Pastisserie, when we all gathered to debrief the night sail and talk about what we all took away from the experience. The whole Delta crew can now say that they have crewed a vessel in an overnight, blue water sailing passage!
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