Bravo 2, Charlie 2, Foxtrot 2 & Sierra 2, Day 15: Challenge Day
Written by Stefan Visser
Edited by Meredith Evridge
Good morning, Anegada! Today was Challenge Day, the day when the boat is handed over to our students! The captain and mate take a step back during today’s sail, and only help out when necessary. It is all about the group’s balance during this day of challenge. This fine morning, we were woken up by strong winds gusting up to twenty six knots. It would be quite a breezy day! The students knew the routine of breakfast, breakfast clean and pre-departure checks. On went the life jackets, secure were the hatches, and off we went. Our budding sailors worked through their knowledge and understanding of sailing to get us from Anegada to Mt. Point, Virgin Gorda. We left it to our young learners to connect all the dots.
Little did we know about a change of course due to an oncoming squall. We adjusted our course to head to Trellis Bay instead, due to it being a bit safer in case the winds picked up too much. The afternoon turned out to be a one of fun and laughter as showers of rain came and went. Students hopped over to different boats, hung out and played games for a lovely relaxed afternoon. Our provisions manager purchased hot chocolate on shore and went around to distribute it to all the boats. It was a cozy time with the skies grey above our heads, all catching up on socializing or reading a book.
Even though the day turned out differently than planned, our students still had to put their cooking skills to the test as the challenge doesn’t end until all is fed and the boat is in ship shape. They did a wonderful job and their captains and mates were proud of all they’d learned thus far. Showers were had even though we were all a bit soggy from the rain. Refreshed, we gathered for boat meetings. Each crew went over the highs and lows of the day, things they had learned and what they’d like to work on for the remainder of program. It was also a happy sight to observe our fleet enjoying each other, being close and treating each other with kindness and respect. The end of another fun-filled day came and Mega Fleet headed to sleep.