Bravo 2, Charlie 2, Delta 2, Foxtrot 2, and Sierra 2: Day 18 – Trellis Bay/Long Bay

Day 18
The sunrise lit the clouds displaying beautiful cotton candy skies as our fleet woke up to tackle the day. Like clockwork breakfast was served swiftly by our breakfast teams as our divers were headed out for an 8:30am dive!
After breakfast was consumed and our divers were ferried to the dive boat, it was time to up-anchor and set sail. Our fleet was splitting up for the evening as our older boats were headed to Trellis Bay, and the younger boats set a heading just around the corner to Long Bay. Everyone enjoyed a nice up-wind sail, practicing their tacking skills. Some boats even threw in a few extra tacks to see how quickly they could tack!
When the Trellis Bay crews arrived and were secured on a ball, our divers came back from their underwater adventures just in time for lunch!
Following lunch, the Trellis group headed ashore for a trash clean. We filled 6 large bags! Lots of cans, bottles, and some hurricane wash was collected and discarded by our students. Some students even spend 15 minutes digging out a fan from the wet sand!
With the beach well and clean, students had themselves some well earned shop-time. They were able to venture into the newly rebuilt Loose Mongoose Boutique in addition to grabbing a daiquiri, piña colada, or best of both worlds, a Miami vice from the Loose Mongoose restaurant.
In addition to the Loose Mongoose, students shopped at the Trellis Bay Market where they quickly bought out all the ice cream sandwiches, sodas, and gatorade!
Before they knew it, it was time to head back to boats for showers and dinner. Our Program Director and Dive Coordinator delivered sushi to all the boats for the students who chose to pre-ordered it.
Meanwhile, in the next bay over, the Long Bay crews set their anchors and also welcomed their divers back just in time for lunch.
With everyone back oboard, it was time to head ashore for Sail Caribbean’s famous Long Bay day! A full afternoon of water-sporting, kayaking, colgate, Hobie and Pico sailing.
Around 3pm, the afternoon’s main even commenced, beach Olympics. The 4 younger boats competed against one another in Dizzy Fender, Synchronized Swimming, Sand Art, and Tug-of-War!
To end a perfect beach day, our Operations team and Provisions managers set up a BBQ to feed our young Olympians. A brilliant spread of burgers, hotdogs, and portobello mushrooms made a perfect end to an awesome day.