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Follow Our Journey! Alpha & Tango – Day 8

By Vada H July 30, 2024

Written by Anna H., Mate on Jackalope

We’re thrilled to share the latest from Day 8 of our adventure! Our crew aboard Jackalope has truly impressed us with their positivity, enthusiasm, and intelligence! We’re all enjoying sailing through the British Virgin Islands together.

Today began with a beautiful sunrise and breakfast of eggs, bagels, and fruit. We spent the morning exploring Little Harbor on Peter Island, a Sail Caribbean favorite! Everyone loves its serene aquamarine waters and bioluminescent jellyfish.

At 8:00, our dive boat picked up our diving students for their final day of underwater exploration. Those who chose not to dive took part in small boat sailing, tubing, hiking, and snorkeling.

Upon the divers’ return (congratulations to them for earning their PADI certificates!!!) we enjoyed a delicious lunch of quinoa salad with pita and hummus made by the kiddos!

We completed our pre-departure checks after lunch and around 2:00, we set sail for Jost Van Dyke another lovely island. Our skippers of the day, Lila and Abbott, did a wonderful job on this multi hour downwind sail.

At around 5:30, we picked up a mooring ball and got ready for a dinner and a dance party onshore at Sidney’s. There, we were joined by the Mega Fleet from Sail Caribbean, providing a fantastic opportunity for the kids to socialize and have fun together. Kids were also given the opportunity to get souvenirs, ice cream, and soda onshore.

9:00 was back to boats, or as we call it here “B2B”. We had a quick boat meeting to discuss our plans for Challenge Day. Challenge Day is where the campers take charge of all boat responsibilities- including sailing the boat themselves, handling all tasks from meals to engine checks- everything that ensures that boat life runs smoothly!! We are highly confident that the day is going to be wonderful. We look forward to more adventures as our journey continues!

The greatest challenge during the program was staying entertained during the quarantine period. Not being able to leave your boat and not having a phone, which was a crutch against boredom, it was difficult at first to stay entertained.