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Follow Our Journey! Bravo, Charlie, Foxtrot, & Sierra 1- Day 11

By Josephine A July 4, 2024

Written by Val P., mate on Mile Hi

Today Mile High woke up excited for challenge day! Alice was beyond excited to be the skipper and run the boat! For breakfast, the boat had a breakfast buffet. Campers’ plates were filled with bagels, cereal, and more! After breakfast divers got ready to board the dive boat and head off for an underwater adventure! 

The rest of the boat laced up their sneakers for a hike to the Norman Ishlan helicopter pad. The hike was quite hot and tiring, but it was all worth it when the group reached the top and saw the beautiful view of the mooring field from above. At the top of the island, the fleet played a few games. Everyone’s favorite one was “Captain’s Coming.”

Shortly after we returned to the boats and hydrated! The group swam for a bit and laid out in the sun. The divers returned and we began pre-departure checks, dropped the ball, and started sailing! While underway Luella and Pau made a delicious meal of pasta and chicken. Sebastian assisted Alice during the sail with navigation and Sarah helped as the mate by directing the group through maneuvers. After reaching Cane Garden Bay, the group swam and played games in the water. Many backflips were accomplished! We quickly watered up at the nearby dock and returned to the mooring ball to cook dinner. 

While dinner was being made, the group braided each other’s hair and talked about the day. Sebastian made sure to mention how the Yankees are the best team too! Pau and Atticus also went to the staff boat to work on their first aid training! They were studying all during the sail. The group enjoyed a delicious dinner of fried rice during the sunset and had a quick boat meeting, sharing their highs and lows from the day.

The greatest challenge during the program was staying entertained during the quarantine period. Not being able to leave your boat and not having a phone, which was a crutch against boredom, it was difficult at first to stay entertained.