Tango 1 Day 13: Saying Our Goodbyes To Our Caribbean Seas
written by Tango mate, Sarah McMeikin
July 6, 2017
The morning started early for the staff as they motored the still sleeping students from Monkey Point to the Baths. The children woke to the view of a lifetime. The Baths are an incredibly unique geographical feature which draws more awe-inspired spectators to the BVI than any other monument.
While the morning was still young, everyone jumped into the water and snorkeled ashore to explore the Baths. Before embarking on our trek through the cathedral of boulders, we were given a quick talk on the interesting way that the Baths were formed. Then we headed out, snorkel gear in hand.
Ducking down to squeeze through tight spaces only to pop up to forty foot ceilings was the rhythm of our walk about through the Baths. Around every corner, we saw new and interesting gems of nature’s hand. Once we reached the end of our hike, we jumped in the water for a quick snorkel back to boats, on which a couple of students even saw a stingray!
Once back to boats, we began our deep boat clean in preparation for the end of program. After finishing up the deep clean, everyone felt ready for their final dip in the Caribbean seas that they’ve learned to love so well. Saying our goodbyes to the sea, we dropped the ball and headed back Hodges Creek Marina. Back at Hodges, we all thoroughly enjoyed land showers and a dinner of ribs, mac and cheese and coleslaw.
We ended the last evening of the program with an ending ceremony of which the highlight was skits from each boat and staff, and then we held our last boat meeting followed by airplane letters. We all fell asleep happy and content with the adventure of our lives and the warmth of the friendships we’ve made.