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Bravo 1 & Charlie 1 Day 9: Community Service Mangrove Clean

By wpdev July 5, 2016
July 3, 2016

After a long and exciting day at Bitter End, Chavo fleet got to sleep in for an extra thirty minutes! The students cooked a hearty meal of loaded eggs in preparation for the morning hike on shore above the Bitter End. After enjoying the scenic views from Virgin Gorda, the fleet headed over to Prickly Pear for a nice refreshing swim and an engaging mangrove lesson taught by staff member Grace! We learned about why mangroves are so important to our ecosystems and how they contribute to our ocean. To help our mangroves thrive, we did a community service mangrove clean. Between Soxtrot and Chavo, we managed to collect three bags of trash from the mangroves!

After all our hard work, we headed back to boats to munch on some delicious quesadillas, prepare to drop the ball, and set sail to Great Cameno. We had a great downwind sail around the Dogs and into Lee Bay. We even saw some huge schools of flying fish on our way!

Once we got to Lee Bay, we got to practice our anchoring. The bottom at Lee Bay is quite rocky and we found it a bit difficult to get our anchor to hold, however, after a few attempts, we all succeeded!

To wrap up our busy day, we got to wind down with an awesome dinner of Spaghetti Bolognese, followed by a relaxing quiet night on board.

The greatest challenge during the program was staying entertained during the quarantine period. Not being able to leave your boat and not having a phone, which was a crutch against boredom, it was difficult at first to stay entertained.