Check out our Travel Guidelines Page for assistance with planning your travel to the BVI this summer!
Since 1979, we’ve empowered thousands of teens and college aged students who join our summer adventure camps to experience learning, leadership, & personal growth.
Sail Caribbean is not merely a once-in-a-lifetime sailing camp. Each individual program offers the opportunity to specialize in a specific area of experiential learning.
There’s no such thing as a passenger on a Sail Caribbean boat. You’re a sailor from the moment you step from dock to yacht. And not only are you a sailor, but you’re an athlete, too. Our options for watersports include snorkeling, stand-up paddleboarding, wakeboarding, tubing, waterskiing, kayaking, small boat sailing, and windsurfing.
“Breathing” underwater is your ticket to a whole new realm. Unrestrained by gravity, you’re free to explore one of the most fascinating places on the planet. We’ll teach you everything you need to know.
We visit some of nature’s most spectacular places, which is all the more reason to do something about protecting them! Acting as environmental stewards gives us the unique opportunity to contribute to local efforts in preserving these precious surroundings.
You’re surrounded by clear blue water and extraordinary aquatic life, and you’ve got questions: How do humans impact water quality? What affects fish biodiversity on coral reefs? How do diseases affect corals? We’ll help you find the answers.
Each Sail Caribbean adventure focuses on a core activity like sailing, scuba diving, marine biology, or community service. But even more, every program offers a little of everything so you can unleash hidden talent, discover a new passion, and achieve your personal goals.
Your yacht is more than a vessel. It’s your home. Learning, sailing, and growing with your crewmates is at the heart of everything we do.
“It really broadened his horizons… He realizes there is a much larger world out there beyond Utah. He got to meet people from all walks of life and from different countries. It seems that he’s just much more outgoing and confident now. I think I’ll discover more about how he’s changed as the year goes on.”
“It was the best time of my life. I love the beach and the boat and the water so this trip was the perfect way for me to enjoy myself. I met some of the best people ever and I am so thankful for the opportunity.”
“The description of the camp was exactly what was offered but was actually so much more!!”
“I am usually scared of being near/touching anything in the ocean, but when I went on my DSD dive with Ebba, I was so in awe of the experience that I forgot to be scared. I saw a shipwreck and 2 sharks. It was such a comforting and amazing experience.”
“My daughter loves to travel and has the sun, sea and sand in her soul. We were looking for a summer experience that would suit her and wanted one that wasn’t the run of the mill summer camp. Sail Caribbean delivered! She made wonderful memories and couldn’t stop talking about her experience to friends and family at home. Best of it, by design, it kept her safe from Covid in uncertain times.”
“It was super difficult to learn to sail, but the leaders made it 1000 times easier! I’m so glad I had such a great support system.”
“I think the overall experience for Sofia was amazing! As former SC staff, we are familiar with many of the locations and camper experiences that are traditionally part of the program and we were happy to see many of those still in place.”
“When I got there I was a nervous wreck. However, as I got to know the people on my boat I calmed down and made friends that I still talk to. I also got to be in a place that was beautiful and peaceful.”
“My son was impressed with the counselors. They showed him how to set up and use his diving watch and they all worked to engage the less outgoing campers. My younger son also commented on how much he learned from the staff and being a very picky eater he was amazed at the delicious meals and snacks.”
“I went tubing so often with my friends! The thrill of going so quickly on the tube is so much fun! Although it’s scary at first, afterwards it’s so fun to just laugh about how afraid you were and how it feels like nothing now!”
“Really tough year – so glad that you were able to deliver on an amazing trip!”
“I am far more responsible and grateful of everything I do. I now have more understanding of the definition of hard work pays off. It’s not about the reward, it’s about the experience and the journey.”
“Miles came back more confident, more socially adept, and more at ease. His comfort meeting and making a new group of friends was a great boost as he heads to a new school for high school this fall.”
“I’ve learned better social skills and I’ve learned that you don’t always need your phone to have fun.”
“It really broadened his horizons… He realizes there is a much larger world out there beyond Utah. He got to meet people from all walks of life and from different countries. It seems that he’s just much more outgoing and confident now. I think I’ll discover more about how he’s changed as the year goes on.”
“It was the best time of my life. I love the beach and the boat and the water so this trip was the perfect way for me to enjoy myself. I met some of the best people ever and I am so thankful for the opportunity.”
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